‘I Forgot it was Monday’ Episode 1- Pillar #1- Mindset

I forgot it was Monday!

Sept 30th, 2024 

Pete has been visiting family for the past 4 days, so it has just been me and the pups.  Secretly, it feels like a mini vacation but of course, I won’t let him in on that thought!  Sometimes, when it is quiet, or on a holiday, I will find myself working.  It is a creative time for me or at least one that allows me to think without interruption.  This weekend was that kind of weekend, with properties being full, Pete being out of town and our summer guest list dwindling.  

So, this morning, Monday, I wasn’t in a rush and I sent out a few quick texts to my girlfriends and family before I left for the office.  When I sent a few photos of my beautiful fur babies, Dagny and Mick, to a friend, I said I was sending her some Puppy Love and asked how she was doing.  Her response was ‘OK for a Monday.’  I didn’t even know it was Monday!  Her response made me sad because it sounded so depressed and lonely.  I remember when I used to work for someone else.  Pete used to say that I made Sunday’s miserable for both of us as I would get so down about having to go back to work on Monday.  Needless to say, I didn’t love what I did, wasn’t contributing at the level at which I felt like I was put on this earth to do and certainly didn’t feel appreciated.  Honestly, I hadn’t tapped into those feelings in ages as thankfully, I have been ‘unemployable’ for years!  

That little text made me realize how grateful I was for my 12 Pillars.  How I used them to go from having $200 and no job to building a multi 7 figure business.  It made me grateful of the wealth that I have created and how it now gives me time and money freedom.  And mostly, grateful that I didn’t have to know it was Monday because I make my own days of the week.  That is so powerful.  Mindset and Heartset together are the first pillar because without this, the others are for naught.  If you don’t have your mind and your heart in the right place, doing the right thing for the right people, then what is the point?  

I of course replied that it can only go up from here and that I was so grateful for her.  It changed her outlook immediately and allowed me to make a tiny indent of an impact on a day I didn’t even know was a Monday.   You are all awesome and amazing.  Each of you is a ‘W.I.N.-Her’ and I hope you can create all your own days of the week!         

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Karen Schaefer
Founder of W.I.N.; the Women’s Wealth and Impact Network

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If you are reading this, I am assuming you are over 50, just like me. If you happen to be younger but an ‘old soul’ good for you. You are ahead of the game! And while age does come with a few, oh what should we call them…challenges maybe, the experiences far outweigh the hurdles (and if you can’t make it over the hurdle, don’t worry about it, we will kick it over for you!). You might think you are too old to start something new like pursuing your lifelong dreams, but really, its those laps around the sun that have been preparing you for your next adventure. Don’t let an old story of being too old stop you from leading your very best life…for you and those you love!

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For the W.I.N.’ Podcast is for Women over 50 who are ready to Deliver an Impact and Generate Wealth along the way. We have always put everyone else before ourselves and now, IT’s OUR TURN to fulfill our dreams, build businesses, write books, deliver a keynote and make a difference. We have already achieved great things but now, it’s OUR TIME to step into Our Vision, and Share it with the World. Let’s be “In It To W.I.N. It’ by Coming Together and helping one another to Build our Dreams and Create an Impact. Women’s Wealth and Impact Network™. It’s YOUR Turn!”


Karen S Schaefer

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